For an easy and affordable borrowing experience, it is essential to check your online credit score with the help of a pan card. Your credit score is one of the most important factors in determining your borrowing eligibility. Make sure you are able to build your credit profile with the help of the right credit activities. You need to check your credit score with the help of relevant documents like a PAN card, which is instantly done within a few seconds. It is a completely free process that can be done instantly within a few seconds. You need to check your credit score more often so that you are aware of your credit eligibility and can make improvements with time. There are various online platforms that allow you to check your credit score completely free of charge, and you will get your credit report within a few seconds only.
Where can you check your credit score with the help of a PAN card?
The credit score check option is available with various non-banking financial institutions and digital platforms online. Realizing the fact that credit scores are very important for borrowing, more and more platforms are engaging with credit score options completely free of cost. Individuals can now take any kind of loan with the help of their credit score. A credit score can get you a personal loan as well as a high-interest loan like a home loan. Individuals with a good credit score find it very easy to get any kind of loan at an affordable rate of interest. Therefore, you need to check with various loan providers and digital platforms that allow you to check your credit score completely free of charge. Know What are the Business Loan Interest Rates for Self Employed?.
Checking your credit score: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Visit the official website of Clix Capital if you want to check your credit score with the help of your PAN card number only. It will be an instant process and you will get an accurate credit score without any difficulty.
  • When you visit the official website, you will find the credit score section on the official website. Look for the option. Check my credit score and tap on it. Must Read : How to Check Your CIBIL Score With a PAN Card.
  • You will be automatically redirected to an online application form which you need to completely fill out with the required information. The application form will have a few columns that need to be filled up with accurate details so that you get your credit score instantly.
  • It will require information like name, date of birth, contact, email address, employment, and any other details like Aadhaar card and PAN card number. These details should be accurate, and make sure that you are not leaving any areas blank, or else you won’t be able to submit the application. All the required fields need to be submitted with the relevant information after filling up the form and clicking on "Get My Credit Score".
  • You will see your credit score reflected right on the screen of your mobile device or laptop. It is completely free of cost and you get the credit score instantly.
Wrapping up
Check your online credit score in order to improve and monitor the changes taking place in your credit score. When you check your credit report, you are able to detect errors and improve your score with time.